Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Rainy Day

Today was such a rainy, dreary day. At work, all we talked about was how we all longed for our sweat pants and the remote in the comfort of our own living rooms, sheltered from the falling sky. I walked in from lunch, practically soaked, despite my best effort to shield myself with my umbrella on my walk from the parking lot. Of course I managed to lose my balance in the midst of dodging puddles on the uneven sidewalk, and planted my feet right in a nice cold puddle the size of Texas. Great. Soggy flats and frizzy hair was the best way to describe the rest of my day. 

Despite trudging into my office, sopping wet, wanting nothing more than to be moseyed up at home with a hot cup of chai tea, I appreciate days like today. Sometimes, that slowness of those rainy days is what keeps us grounded. We complain about how ugly it is out and how wet and cold it is, but at the end of the day when we are finally rewarded with sweat pants and a good dinner and a hot shower, we appreciate these little things a tad bit more than usual. I had the most relaxing evening making dinner, doing an ab workout, and finding my little nook at the end of the couch with my laptop and an over-sized sweatshirt. A lot of times, my life is so busy I either don't have time to appreciate these little rewards of my day, or I just flat out overlook them.

So tonight when I snuggle up in bed, I'll be sure to thank God twice for giving me the opportunity today to be patient and count my smaller blessings that I don't always count when the sun is shining and the warm breeze is blowing. It's easy to smile and skip on a bright sunny day, but there's never a rainbow without the rain.


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